Cardamom is considered one of the most valuable spices in the world and is used in almost every culture. According to the traditional wisdom of Ayurveda, cardamom helps in cleansing the body and is very effective in improving digestion. It helps with stomach cramps, flatulence, and gas.
Ginger is virtually a medicinal chest. Ginger is commonly used to treat various types of stomach problems, including motion sickness, morning sickness, colic, upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, as well as the loss of appetite. It is good for healing upper respiratory tract infections, cough, and bronchitis. Other uses include pain relief from arthritis or muscle soreness, menstrual pain, etc.
Black Pepper
From ancient times, black pepper is one of the most widely traded spices in the world. Black Pepper is good for digestion, prevents the formation of intestinal gas, and provides relief for cough and old. Because of its antibacterial properties, pepper helps to fight against infections and is also used to preserve food.
Cloves are one of the highly prized spices, widely recognized all over the world for their medicinal and culinary qualities. The spice has one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants. It acts as a mild anesthetic as well as an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. For this reason, it is used in widely in dentistry and related products.
Fennel is widely used around the world in mouth fresheners, toothpaste, desserts, and antacids. The health benefits of fennel include relief from anemia, indigestion, flatulence, constipation, colic, diarrhea, respiratory disorders, menstrual disorders, eye care, etc.
No Calories, No Fat
If those facts were persuasive enough, consider this statement from Guy Johnson, a nutritional scientist from the McCormick Science Institute, “There's no nutritional downside to using herbs and spices. They have no calories. They have no fats. They make food more satisfying. They help modulate food intake. And they have components with substantial biological effects."
So why not do your body a favor and give your life some flavor?
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