Saturday, January 16, 2010

Green Chili Chai - Another Winning Flavour!

If you've been to The Chai Cart, you know that I always carry two flavours of chai - one is always the traditional Cardamom-Ginger and the other depends on my mood and my creativity that particular day or week. 

Every now and then I come up with a flavour that surprises me and my customers. Lemongrass-Black Pepper chai was one such flavour last summer. The Malt chai took a few tries, but it did find some fans. 

The week I made a "hot" new flavour - Green Chili Chai and this seems like a clear winner. A few people have asked me how I come up with my flavours of chai. I simply let my creativity explore and lead me to various combinations of fresh herbs and spices. But there are a couple of guidelines I follow. If you notice carefully, I tend to combine 2 distinct tastes like Mint-Aniseed, Rose-Pepper, etc. The flavours are subtle and nothing ever overpowers the chai itself. 

 I am always looking for new ideas for inspiration. So, if you think of any flavour that may do well as a chai, drop me a note. I will name that chai flavour after you and who knows - maybe someday you may become famous as well ;)